All College fees are payable in advance and by 15th of each month for which they are payable as per the instructions printed in Bank Pay-in-Slips booklet which is supplied to all students each year. But fees for February and March must be paid by 15th of February failing which the pupil will not be permitted to appear for the final examination and will be liable to removal from the College. Also, all students of I.S.C. (Year 12) and I.C.S.E. (Year 10) are to pay fees upto 31st March of the year in which they appear for their Board Examination, by 15th of January.
All students of Class I.C.S.E. will continue to study provisionally in Class XI pending declaration of their results. In case any student does not wish to continue studying in Class XI (provisionally) then he/she should inform the Principal in writing latest by 31st March. In case no information is received then he/she will continue to be on the roll of this College and shall be liable to give one month's notice for withdrawal or a month's fee in lieu.
I.C.S.E. and I.S.C. (Year 12) Council Examination fees must be deposited in July/August, otherwise the student will not be permitted to fill in the form for the said Examination. In case a student is withdrawn after having paid the Examination fees, only half the amount will be refunded. Bank Commission will be charged as per the rules laid down by the Council.
If a pupil leaves at the end of a College Term, the Tuition fees for the ensuing vacation period will be charged, unless one month's notice of withdrawal has been received.
Tuition fees are charged in full for the summer and winter vacations.
The schedule of Tuition fees and other charges is given in the Bank Pay-in-Slips booklet which is supplied to the parents/guardians.
The fees will be marginally increased annually.
Admission Fee: Rs. 3000/-
Security: 10,000/- per child refundable without interest, after taking Transfer Certificate. Maximum period for claiming refund of Security is one year of leaving the College, after which it will stand forfeited.
Registration and Prospectus: Rs.. 500/- per child.
Prospectus only: Rs.100/- per copy.
A Security Deposit of Rs. 10000/- (Rupees Five thousand only) will be charged from each pupil at the time of admission. The Security money deposited will be refunded without interest to the parent on pupil's leaving the College and obtaining a Transfer Certificate. A separate application for refund of Security should be submitted. If Security Deposit is not claimed within a year a) from the date a pupil leaves the College, or b) from the date a pupil remains absent without the parent/guardian informing the Principal, the parent/guardian will have no claim for the refund of the Security.
The price of the College furniture, equipment, apparatus, panes of glass or other College property damaged by a pupil due to carelessness will be charged to the parent.
This is produced in the interest of both the parents and College; it is in fact, our Annual Report to parents informing them of our achievements and standards during course of the past year. Purchase of the magazine by parents is compulsory. Only one magazine is provided per family, irrespective of the number of children from the same family studying in the College. The magazine is sent to the parents through their wards.
Corporate worship by students or parents is not permitted on the College premises. But the management reserves the right in this regard.
Rail concession vouchers may only be used by students of the College travelling from Dehra Dun to their home town and back during the Summer and Winter vacations only. Concession should be applied for 3 weeks in advance.