Rule | First Witness | Operating Procedure |
Never be Late to school | Ms. S. Malhotra Ms. A. Pal Mr. S. Wadhwa |
Parents will be informed and a sms message sent regarding our rule and consequent action. Parents will be asked to come and take the child. Incase he/she comes on her own they will be asked to leave. The Child will be suspended for a week If he is still late, he will be asked to leave the school. |
Always be in proper uniform | Prefects, then Class teacher | Parents will be informed and a sms message sent, regarding our rule and consequent action. Parents will be asked to bring the uniform to school, or else take the child home. The Child will be suspended for a week If he still not in proper uniform he will be asked to leave the school. |
Missing classes | Support staff, Staff and students | SMS will be sent to parents regarding child behavior. He will study the same subject the whole day in the lecture room and give test the next morning. The child will be suspended for a week and sent home with the copy of the test papers. |
Never Vandalize school property | Class Teacher, subject teacher or monitor. | First time a letter and an sms will be given to the parent The child will pay for the destroyed property, or replace it. If the child do not replace the furniture, or destroys again. He will be suspended. |
Never Vandalize school property | Class Teacher, subject teacher or monitor. | First time a letter and an sms will be given to the parent The child will pay for the destroyed property, or replace it. If the child do not replace the furniture, or destroys again. He will be suspended. |
Don't bully, juniors | Prefects and teachers | The sms and information will be sent to the parents. The child will write an apology letter and get it signed by parents The child will be suspended for a week. |
Use of abusive language | Teachers, support staff, or prefects. | The Childs name will be noted in the incidence register and will be counseled first by the teachers. If he does It again he will be asked to write all those abuses 100 times in the register and get it signed by their parents. Child will be suspended for a week. |
Misbehavior with teachers | Concerned teacher. | The child parents will be informed and he will be asked to get an apology letter signed by parents. He will be suspended for a week The child will be rusticated |
Fighting outside school premises and asking other boys to come to beat children. | Teacher or peon on duty | The incident will be noted in the incident book. Witnesses will sign and the child concerned will be asked to meet the principal along with parents. The Child will be suspended for two weeks. The Child will be rusticated and asked to leave the school, if he continues to do the same. |
Never bring mobile phones to school. | Class teacher or prefects, or any teacher | Parents will be informed, they will be asked to come and take the mobile from the supervisor. The phone will be confiscated and will not be returned till the end of the year. On repeated breach of rule. The child will be given rustication certificate. |
Let us pledge together to behave in a morally responsible way which will benefit us, the school and the society at large.
PLEDGE ONE | We will never run in the corridors, it may cause accidents, so we will behave responsibly. |
PLEDGE TWO | We will never litter inside or outside the College campus |
PLEDGE THREE | We will always follow the discipline of our College. |
PLEDGE FOUR | We will never walk with hands in our pocket. |
PLEDGE FIVE | We will respect our elders and more specially the ladies. |
PLEDGE SIX | We will park our vehicles properly wherever we go. |
PLEDGE SEVEN | As Thomasians', we will never do rash driving. |
PLEDGE EIGHT | We will help the needy and do one good act every day. |
PLEDGE NINE | We will be polite and cordial in our behavior. |
PLEDGE TEN | We will give respect to all religions and consider everybody as our brothers and sisters. |